More about Tucson photographer Balfour Walker

photo: Rick Barrett

Balfourwalker with 2 cameras

photo: Leslie Galloway


The Registered Service Mark, DIGIBOY, is for sale. Please address all inquires to Balfour Walker,

Balfour Walker
Arizona commercial advertising photographer.

Balfour Walker makes people and products look their best.
See Balf's new images in the Whats New portfolio.

Based in Arizona, Balfour Walker has gained a solid reputation in the world of photography for his creative approach and attention to detail in the subjects he shoots. Clients include Learjet, IBM, Tucson Electric, Carondelet Health, Bombardier Canada and Sheraton and Westin Hotels.

His photography has won numerous awards, including Addys, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Best of Show, Judges Choice and Prisma.

Contact him for your next photo project. Heworks with ad agencies, design firms or directly with companies and individuals.

The Studio is all digital, clean,quite and temperature controlled.



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New Images

Balfour Walker at work photographing an aircraft interior.

Bafour Walker's Tucson Photography Studio

Interior of Bafour Walker's Photography Studio